Frequently asked questions

Can I create new listings in Vela?
Absolutely! In addition to editing existing listings, both individually and in bulk, you can effortlessly create and publish new listings directly within Vela for any of the supported channels.
What information is included when I copy listings between shops?
When you copy listings from one shop to another, ALL information from the original listing will be reflected in the copied listing. However, if attributes do not exist in the original listings but are required to publish the copied listings, these attributes will not be included. Still, they can be updated, both in bulk or individually, within the copied listings before publishing to make them ready.
Do listings automatically publish after being copied?
No. Copied listings are first sent to the COPY section within the destination shop. You can make any necessary updates before publishing. For Etsy listings, please note the $0.20/listing fee, which is controlled and charged by Etsy, not Vela.
What do the "Complete" and "Incomplete" badges next to titles of copied listings mean?
When copying between channels, listings in the COPY section are marked "Complete" (Green) or "Incomplete" (Red). "Incomplete" indicates errors or missing information that needs addressing before the listing is ready for publication.
Can I copy listings within the same shop?
Certainly! Besides copying between shops, you can copy and publish listings within the same shop, which is particularly useful for sellers with listings they want to repurpose by creating duplicates.
Is there a limit to the number of listings that can be copied at once?
There is no specific limit to the number of listings that can be copied at once. However, copying more listings will increase the time needed to complete the process. When publishing copied listings from Vela to a channel, there are no set limits. Nevertheless, keep in mind that channels have rate limits on the number of listings that can be published per shop in a given period. To avoid exceeding these limits, it's advisable to start by publishing 500 listings at a time or less, especially if the listings involve numerous variations/options.