Frequently asked questions

What are Variations Profiles and what benefits do they provide?
Variations Profiles are incredibly beneficial for sellers managing multiple listings with the same variations/options. For instance, if you have 500 unique listings, each offering the same "Size" and "Color" options, creating a Variations Profile allows you to update a single profile, and those updates will be applied to all connected listings. Prices, quantities, and SKUs can also be included within profiles.
What are Tags Profiles and what benefits do they provide?
Tags Profiles are especially valuable for sellers managing numerous listings with the same tags. For instance, if you have 500 unique listings, each containing the same 10 tags, creating a Tags Profile enables you to apply it to all 500 listings without the need to reenter or copy tags individually. Updates to the Tags Profile will automatically be reflected in all connected listings.
What are Listings Profiles, and what benefits do they provide?
Listing Profiles elevate the "Profile" concept, allowing you to create a template defining every attribute necessary for a new listing. This streamlines the creation of new listings, making it faster and more efficient. For example, if you need to create 100 new listings with identical details like price, shipping, description, title, and variations, a Listing Profile provides a near-complete foundation for easy editing and iteration.
Does applying a profile overwrite my existing data?
Yes. Applying a profile will overwrite existing data on an existing listing. For instance, if a listing has existing variations and prices, applying a Variations Profile with new/different variations and pricing will replace the original data. Ensure careful application, and note that listing data cannot be reversed or restored after a profile is applied. If you wish to make updates to a profile without it effecting certain listings, you will first need to disconnect those listings from the profile.
Can I delete my profiles?
Yes. You can delete Variations Profiles, Tags Profiles, and Listings Profiles whenever you wish. Note that deleting the profile will NOT delete the listings, just the profile itself. You can remove listings from a profile by going into the profile itself, where you will find the option to disconnect listings.
Can I restore old listings, or reverse a profile after applying one?
No. Vela does not currently store old listings or listing history. Once a change is made, the only way to restore or revert is to make necessary edits, either in bulk or individually.
Is there a limit to the number of Profiles that I can create?
No. You can make as many profiles as you wish, Vela users with a subscription have unrestricted access. However, to avoid syncing issues related to marketplace rate-limits, it is recommended to attach no more than 500 listings to a single profile. To ensure efficient operation, make copies of profiles when necessary to add additional listings, a straightforward process within Vela.
Can I apply a Listings Profile to my existing listings?
No. While Variations Profiles and Tags Profiles can be applied to existing listings, Listings Profiles can only be used for the creation of new listings. In the future when you make edits and updates to any of your profiles, those updates will automatically reflect in all the connected listings.
Is there a limit to the number of listings I can connect to a profile?
While you can connect as many listings as you want to an individual profile, for swift syncs and updates without running into rate-limit issues, it's advised to add no more than 500 listings to a profile. For listings with many variations, even fewer listings are recommended. Copying a profile easily allows you to connect additional listings, splitting them into more manageable batches for more seamless updates and refreshes.