Frequently asked questions

What is Vela Social Share?
Vela Social Share allows you to automatically generate beautiful, customizable, transactional landing pages to showcase and share your listings across the internet. You can choose from Vela's curated templates and personalize them. Additionally, you can directly link any of your shops, even channels not directly supported by Vela today, to help grow your ecommerce business.
Where can I find the Social Share feature?
The Social Share feature is accessible when you hover over any individual listing or at the bottom of the individual editing page, where you'll find the "Share" button. Note that, as of now, bulk creation of Social Share pages is not supported.
If I change listing details on the Social Share page, does it update the listing itself?
No, any edits made to listing details like title and description on the Social Share page will only update the landing page. The original listing details remain unaffected. This allows you to display a simplified or abbreviated title and description on the landing page while retaining the detailed attributes of the original listing.
How do I share the Social Share page?
You can effortlessly share and embed Social Share pages on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter/X directly within the landing page builder. Moreover, Vela provides an option to automatically generate a shareable link to the landing page, enabling you to share it anywhere else on the internet, be it in an email, advertisement, or any other platform.
Can I bulk create Social Share pages?
Currently, bulk creation of Social Share pages is not supported. However, Vela plans to enable this feature in the future.